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Break The Boredom of The Same Old Workout
Image via Pixabay When you find something that works, you tend to stick to it. While this can be useful, it can also become dull and...

Get Fit Without Breaking The Bank
Image Source: Pixabay In today’s modern world, you are busier than ever. You have to work, raise a family, take care of the house, and...

What is your personal trainer "REALLY" saying?? Personal trainers can be difficult to understand. We say 10 reps, and have you do 15. We...

"Fitness" is Only The Beginning...
"This is so much more than "Fitness....." I can't tell you how many times I've heard this from clients. "More than fitness." Everyday,...

If Your Are Going to Deadlift, Know the Basics!
Watch the short videos at the end, demonstrating both the barbell and hex bar deadlift! The deadlift is maybe the only exercise that can...

May's Athlete of The Month: John Corbin
John's Story John started his fitness journey at the beginning of the year with a goal of moving without pain, living longer, and...

Since When Does The Scale Really Matter Anyway? Do Things To Improve Performance!
Understanding "Fitness" There are many components of "fitness." It's not just a number on the scale, or achieving a certain look of...

Who are Everyday Athletes?
Everyday athletes are people who want to progress their fitness level to dominate in life. They want to feel good, move without pain,...

No More Neglecting The "Everyday Athlete"
Who are “everyday athletes?” Everyday athletes are typically between 30 and 50 years old, and want to use exercise to become the best...

The Future of Fitness is Here
What does the future of fitness look like? Here are a few things that are evolving in the fitness industry, to better serve the public:...
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