The Future of Fitness is Here
What does the future of fitness look like?
Here are a few things that are evolving in the fitness industry, to better serve the public:
1- High performance programs, without the injury reports!
2- Options to train from anywhere, and with more specific programs!
3- Highly educated coaches, who are specialists in their field. (Not “Instagram gurus,” or ex-athletes.)
4- Alliances of Fitness Professionals working together to impact the community’s health.

The absolute truth of “the future of fitness,” is that all of the concepts mentioned above are happening right now nation wide (Mostly in major cities). These concepts just haven’t been implemented in smaller cities, including our region, yet. Which is why Premier Fitness is working overtime to help “catch us up” to the cities that are leading the charge in improving our nation’s health. We have spent years learning from the best coaches in the world, studying what they do best, and we are working to implement these methods into our community.
So how do how do we begin to advance the quality of programs offered, and improve overall health in our region?
1- Better programs, without the injury report!
Performing optimally, looking better, feeling better, and pushing your limits while preventing injury seems like a bold statement. Especially when the numbers show that 60, 70, even 80% of people who start a new program are injured at some point within the first year. Obviously, it depends on the type of training people do, but the numbers are still ridiculous!
Especially when compared to the athletic training reports, which show only .75% of athletes reporting injuries during training.
It was only a matter of time before the general public started demanding the same results in a fitness program, with less risk of injury. After all, do you want a 70% chance of getting injured, or a .75% chance of getting injured?
This is why athletic programming methods are now being used in the best facilities across the world to design and deliver more effective programs for the general public. All while dramatically decreasing injury rates.
Am I saying we all need to push sleds, jump around the gym, and sling heavy weights? Most definitely not. (In fact, those are often the furthest things from true athletic programs.)
However, we do need to apply the most basic athletic training methods into our programs, which can include:
-Always focusing on proper form and function to improve performance, and prevent injury. (Don’t just do reps, execute them with focus.)
-Incorporate all components of a balanced program. (mobility, stability, strength, etc.)
-Progress programs in a systematic way, not randomized. (Exercise selection, rep schemes, splits, and more. There should be a method behind everything you do! For the day, the week, the month, even the year.)
-Train at your level, and work toward your goal. (Beginners should never train explosive lifts, especially to their max. Walk before you run, and squat before you jump.)
Are we saying our methods are right for everyone? No! The methods we provide are used to best serve the “everyday athlete population.” Or, the people who are between 35-55 who want to be able to move, feel, and perform at their best. Peak performance and injury prevention being the number one goals. We feel this is a population that has been dramatically under served for quite some time. So, we’ve brought our methods to the western Kentucky region!
-To Learn More About our programs and methods Click Here
(Want to know the four most dangerous types of training methods studied by Dr. John Rusin? Check them out here:
(Need to also fact check the athletic injury report? Go here: )
2- The availability to train from anywhere!
You can no longer use, “I don’t have time to get to the gym,” as an excuse for not exercising. Coaches everywhere are now offering programs that allow people to train at their place of choice either online, or in person.
You can now train from home, at a gym, a studio, at work, outside, wherever! It’s time to open your eyes and mind to the new era of fitness!
Find where you fit in best:
Do you need a great in person coach, a community of like minded people, and accountability?
Studios are a great place to find a community where you fit in, with a training style that matches your level and goals. (Click here to see if we are the right fit for you)
Do you just need some equipment to use each day?
Gyms are still a great place if you need variety, a place to socialize, and a low cost program.
Do you need ultimate convenience and accountability?
The most convenient programs may be work site wellness, or corporate fitness programs. Corporate fitness programs have become a booming industry where coaches show up to train people in the mornings, or on lunch! Corporations have realized that healthier employees work harder, are happier, and save them a ton of money on insurance policies! They have also realized that the yearly health fair, and monthly newsletter just isn’t enough to develop a culture of health in the workplace. (Click here to learn more about corporate fitness programs.)
Do you need a routine you can follow from anywhere, anytime?
Online training can be a great option if you are needing a program to follow at home or at a gym. Online programs have come along way. They now include apps with tracking systems, videos of exercises, and more. Plus, coaches typically organize clients in social media groups to help each other stay motivated, and on track. (Click here to learn more about our online programs.)
Not sure where you fit in? Reach out, we will help! We don’t claim to be right for everyone, but if you send us some information, we can help point you in the right direction. Click Here.
3- Educated Coaches Who are Specialists, not Generalists.
(Check out what our coaches are doing- Click Here)
The body is complex. It takes years to begin to understand programming, nutrition, and coaching. Any great coach will tell you, that they are still learning.
The point? Professional trainers and coaches in today’s world are not the guys who used to play sports so now they teach people how to workout. They are also not the person who passed one course, so they now have all the answers. (There is a new level of coaching coming to our area!)
Coaches are becoming more educated now than ever. Coaches today are exercise scientist who have focused in on how to best serve their specific group of clientele. They understand the ins and outs of programming, function, movement, psychology, cuing, and more.
There are now courses, classes, seminars, and networks upon networks for coaches to join. If your coach is not continuously working on improving their skill set, you’ve got the wrong coach!
4- Professional Alliances Working Together to Impact The Community’s Health
(Check out our group “ask a fit pro” at:
The most powerful change coming to the community, is when health and fitness professionals team up to create full out fitness movements for the area.
Nationwide, professionals are realizing that the gym or studio down the street is NOT direct competition if you are truly becoming the best at serving your specific niche.
At the end of the day, people are going to end up where they feel most confident, comfortable, and where they get results. So ultimately, professionals can share ideas, host events, and help each other reach the 70% of the population who aren’t working out!
We’ve worked to lead the charge in getting professionals together for the good of the community. It’s been a process in our area, but there are definite changes coming soon!
Also, we’ve organized a group unlike any other. It’s called “ask a fit pro.” It’s a platform where people can ask their fitness questions to fitness professionals from around the globe. Check it out at:
Thank you for reading, and if there is anything we can do to help please let us know! You can give us a call at 502-821-2012, or send an email to
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