May's Athlete of The Month: John Corbin

John's Story
John started his fitness journey at the beginning of the year with a goal of moving without pain, living longer, and becoming healthier. Since then, he's transitioned into a man on a mission, seeing what is possible to accomplish at 69 years old. Last month he hit a huge PR on deadlift of 205lbs, along with a PR on bench at 145lbs. Way to go John!
((Recent Update: John was able to deadlift 225lbs straight bar, 255lbs Hex Bar! Wow!! Video Link will be below...))
Here's what John has to say:
What have been your biggest accomplishments?
"Sticking with a routine, improving strength, and improving my overall health."
Biggest Struggles?
"Eating the way I should, and in the beginning finding the right program to work around my past injuries. I had a double knee replacement a few years ago, and had to be very particular about exercising again. But once I got on a good program it hasn't given me any problems."
Favorite part about working out?
"Finding what is possible for me to accomplish at 69. I never thought I would be able to pick up over 200lbs. It's just not what you think you should do at 69. But my body can do it, it's amazing."
Advice for people just starting out?
"Listen to your trainer or a professional. Don't listen to what you want to hear, and don't take the easy way out. Also, get off the machines, and see what you can really do with free weights and body weight. Age doesn't matter."
We can't say enough about the work ethic John brings to the facility every day, every set, every rep.
I'm sure you all will see some more updates from him in the future!
Thanks for reading,
Premier Fitness
P.S. You can watch John pick up 255lbs at: