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Get Fit Without Breaking The Bank

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In today’s modern world, you are busier than ever. You have to work, raise a family, take care of the house, and maybe find time to spend with friends and family. That’s why so many people live a sedentary lifestyle; they just don’t have the time and energy to exercise.

Then there’s the cost. Some look at the prices of exercise equipment or gym memberships and think they cannot afford to get fit. Thankfully, there are ways to both find the time and money to exercise. That’s needed because, if you don’t get fit, you could end up hurting yourself.

Inactivity Can Be Dangerous

When it comes to being inactive, it’s not like you are completely immobile. Even inactive people will get some walking in during their day, such as going to work or doing grocery shopping. However, that simply is not enough for most people. Being inactive like this can lead to weight gain and a loss of self-confidence, but that’s just part of the problem.

As Eat Right explains, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to inflammation, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and more. In fact, being inactive for too long can even increase your risk of an early death. In addition, being physically inactive can increase your chances of certain cancers.

Children can easily find time to exercise, but it’s harder for adults. That’s why John Hopkins Medicine reports that you tend to be more inactive when you get older. This creates a bigger problem since you tend to have more medical risks as you age. This creates a bad cycle where you’re too tired to exercise, which makes you sicker, which makes you even more tired, and so on.

Best Ways To Get Fit

How can you start exercising without breaking the bank or making you run out of all your free time? Save The Student helps broke and busy college kids get fit, so their exercise recommendations can be great if time and money are issues.

These days, you can find many fitness DVDs in resale stores or cheaply online. Pop one of these in the player at home, and you have yourself a private exercise class that lasts as long as you want. There are also many free or low-cost apps that can help you keep track of your exercise and offer encouragement. You can also cut back on fast foods. This can help your health and save you money in the process.

What kind of exercise is good for you? recommends sticking with weight training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Building muscles can improve your energy levels and overall fitness, while HIIT is good for burning calories and improving your endurance. And don’t discount the benefits of swimming.

Don’t Ignore Your Mind

As you look for affordable and time-sensitive ways to get fit, don’t forget about helping your mental health as well. Your mind and body are interconnected, so you can help your fitness by doing alternative activities that address your mood. That’s especially true if you are in addiction recovery and could use a mental health boost.

Yoga, tai chi, and meditation can all help whether you are in addiction recovery or not. This is because these activities allow you to focus your mind and can relieve stress and anxiety, both of which are triggers for relapse in many individuals who are in recovery.

Get Fit And Save Money

In the end, being fit will save you money on medical bills dealing with all the health problems caused by inactivity. But to not break the bank right now, look for old DVDs or free apps. Stick with weight training and HIIT, and use yoga or tai chi to help keep your mind healthy as well.


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