What is your personal trainer "REALLY" saying??
Personal trainers can be difficult to understand. We say 10 reps, and have you do 15.
We call foods proteins, and carbs; rather than just saying chicken and bread.
We say weird things like superset, power, and metabolic.
We even call your arms biceps and triceps every now and then.
To help you begin to understand your trainer, we've compiled the funniest underlying messages of typical trainer to client cues and conversations!
NUMBERS don't matter:
Trainer: "Let's do 10 reps..."
(Plan for like 14, we lose count often)
T: "only 2 left...".
(We completely lost count but we will never admit it.)
T: "let's go for 30 seconds of work on this set..."
(Be prepared to perform that exercise for up to 1 minute)
T: "only 10 seconds to go..."
(we probably forgot to even start the stop watch, and the "last" 10 seconds could also be completely made up.)
T: "form looked great!"
(That looked a little easy... Be warned, we're about to progress the exercise.)
T: "Take about a minute rest."
(Hurry! You've got like 15 seconds)
T: "Get into the next set when you're ready."
(Stop talking so much, and do it now)
T: "How much time do you have today?"
(We prepared a longer workout than normal, if you don't have urgent plans, you're in for it.)
Bonus Tip:
Trainers also have a way of translating the things you say, and what we think you mean:
Client: "That wasn't so bad...."
Trainer Translates as: (Alert! The exercise is too easy, we are wasting their time and money. Quick! add more weight! More reps! Let's do it on one leg! Superset! Go!!!)
Client: "Wow, that's harder than it looks..."
Trainer Translates As: (they enjoyed that one, let's do that exercise more often!)
Client: "Can we add in something for abs?"
Trainer Translates As: (Challenge Accepted! Let's do ALL abs! The next 7 days will hurt when you sneeze...)
Every time your trainer says "thank you," they are really saying:
-Thank you for putting in the hard work it takes to change, and choosing me to be the person to help guide you.
-Thank you for your sincere friendship. You have become family.
-Thank you for making my job so much fun! There's never a dull moment.
-Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do what I love on a daily basis. Without you, I would be lost in the world.
Your Personal Trainer